I've always suspected that Kanye is probably a really miserable git in real life.

Watching his new offering, Love Lockdown for the first time (although I really enjoy the song and his vocals), I cant help but think - I've always know that you're self-righteous and probably like the rest of the world, completely unappreciative of whom you are despite the brava-li-cious persona.

The video on the other hand is very interesting. I must say increasingly, I'm liking the creative directions which artists are willing to take their visuals these days - it adds real authenticity to their respective produce.

The 'Love Lockdown' video is really impactful and really brings a song which might ordinarily drown without a worthy visual into prominence. The African drums are so well supported by the visual theatrics in contrast to the white backdrop.

This is the second African-inspired theme music video that has really impressed this year, the other was Gnarls Barkley's very stylist, Going On!

Again, Kan-yi-zee delivers!