There is an unknown talent commanding a lot of MTV Base airplay at the moment. His name is Darren B - a young, black british singer/songwriter from East London. We have been hearing his single 'Stand by you' in recent weeks and we are almost shocked that this is a UK produce. This is prime R&B and we are very proud, indeed.

Here's an extract -

Anywhere you want, where you want to
go baby
Girl, I'll go with you
can depend on me
Yours truly
Girl I'll stand by you
Like i said from the start
I'm riding baby
Girl I'll ride with you
Even if you gain weight through stress
I'll stand by you

Please do everything you can to support - download, research, record purchase. This is brilliant!

You heard it hear first!



Anonymous said...

Loving ur songs bt Can u download, 'I'll stand by you' anywhere free on the internet?
Plz get bk 2 me!!! Your biggest fan XxX <3

Anonymous said...

If you provide me with your email address I can send the track to you.

Anonymous said...

Next time kindly put your name also.

Renaissance Man

Anonymous said...

can u email me the song ft zena like you i love it and cant get it newer? natalie

Anonymous said...

can u pleeeeeeaaaaasssseee put darren B ft zena like you on u tube natx

Anonymous said...

please would u send me the darren b ft zena track.....

Anonymous said...

i want that darren b ft zena like you aswell :O

Anonymous said...

wher can you get that from..?

Anonymous said...

Make a song about Lovely black ladies, maybe it will really sell.

Anonymous said...

Just remember your still black and be proud of the Black ladies also. They truly are Queens.